Sunday, August 10, 2008

The Canadian Rockies

Day ??? Calgary to Banff

We left Calgary and drove to Banff, a resort town in the Canadian Rockies.

We camped outside of town at Tunnel Mountain Resort. As we were setting up camp, a coyote strolled by with its dinner in its mouth. It set it down and started going to town and then took off when we starting taking pictures.

After we had our tent [note: we've been sleeping in a small two-man tent designed for backcountry hiking] set up, the guy camping across the way walked by our campsite. He comments, "That looks like the Brokeback Mountain Tent." What does that even mean?

Banff is a pretty touristy little place, which both John and I kind of find annoying, but the hiking in the area is amazing. We did a day hike up a mountain where the rock formed a natural ampitheatre. It was amazing! Check out the pics.

After the hike, we relaxed at the Banff Hot Springs. It was pretty much a multi-cultural swimming pool. There had to have been a least a dozen languages spoken there.

It's time to go eat dinner. I'll write more later on down the trail. The best part is coming up, getting caught in a storm on top of a mountain!

1 comment:

fitnesstogetherstlouis said...

'brokeback mountain tent'...that means you're gay!
the trip looks freakin' amazing. i'll drive you home when you move next year. my bet is you'll move to Georgia. and i ain't talkin bout the state